Schlűter Hallen FREISING Shopping Mall - GERMANY

Shopping centres
SALLER Josef Gewerbebau
SALLER Josef Gewerbebau
Zakres prac

In January 2018, we signed a contract with Saller Josef Gewerbebau for the comprehensive execution of electrical, teletechnical and building automation installations at the Schluter Hallen Freising shopping mall near Munich.

The entrusted work included the comprehensive execution of the electrical and teletechnical installations, the execution of coordination and design work, with the full design of all systems necessary for the execution of the task, the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the electrical installation of the back office and the building site, including the execution of the teletechnical systems, the execution of the electrical installation systems: supply, assembly, connection and commissioning of the MVRs, LV switchgear, UPS, lighting fixtures, emergency and evacuation lighting fixtures, cable routes, PE lines, wiring fixtures, and electroinstallation fixtures we carried out as the first investment of this type abroad for IB Systems.

The work started in mid-January 2018 and was completed in September 2019.
